TEDxPeacePlaza 2018 presents “Also”


We live in an increasingly multiple world, where people, places, systems, and concepts can hold different identities, attributes, and characteristics in a single body. It’s the diversity within that leads us to the paradoxes and puzzles, confusion and contradictions, synergies and serendipities.

Located at the intersection of the Japantown and Fillmore neighborhoods of San Francisco—which themselves have their own multiplicities—this year’s TEDxPeacePlaza event will explore the theme of “Also”. Six provocative speakers will share their thoughts on duality and multiplicity, explaining how their ideas, identities, stories, and experiences coexist in ways we might not expect.

Join us on March 24th, 2018 at New People Cinema on 1746 Post Street in San Francisco to explore concepts and ideas worth spreading.


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